Monday, 4 February 2013


Does music open doors for you? Bring about epiphanies which change your perspective? It does, for me.
I believe that the music people listen to, talks more about them, than they ever will.
I don't mean using songs to express one self when words fall short. I mean using songs to reach a part of  your own self.
Sometimes, while listening to songs, you don't need lyrics to say that, 'Hey, these words, right there, they are me, what I feel'. At times, just the melody, the way the a song takes you up and down in your head, is enough to tell you about yourself.

I trust music. Its the kind of trust that I am usually unable to place, even in people. I trust it to bring me back when I am out of focus in life, I trust it to carry me through really bad times, definitely the good ones, too. The fact that someone writes and composes who I am and what I feel, is enough to tell me, that I belong, somewhere.
Its beautiful, the way songs can touch your soul, take you somewhere else, change how you look at yourself.

Music is my personal therapy. It evokes the same feeling in me, that was felt by Ricky in American Beauty, "Sometimes, there is so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it and my heart is just going to cave in."

I'd like to keep an account of songs and my faith in things, for myself.

While my heart is a shield and I won't let it down 
While I am so afraid to fail so I won't even try 
Well how can I say I'm alive? 

But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy 
Well I deserve nothing more than I get 
'Cause nothing I have is truly mine!
                                            - Dido, Life for Rent